Pee your pants.

PLEASE watch this video. I almost peed my pants while sitting on top of someone, hence the name of this post. That would have been awkward. Oh my dear Lord. Maybe this was only super funny because I watched it after taking a full length practice MCAT, and I was delirious. 

Guess what I made?! 
Sweet potato fries! This was smart. 
I only cut up and baked one potato because I know about my lack of self control. This is important for me. Maybe it's not for you, but I doubt it. 

I also made this!!! Amond Joy Chocolate Spread. I got this recipe off Pinterest. Pinterest should be renamed "Pin in the interest of wasting time." Or something wittier than that. Soooo good! Sort of funny because it's a vegan recipe, but paleo also. Weird. Mine did not look as pretty as hers. I feel like that happens a lot. 
This was not as smart. The recipe says to let sit for a few days and then dig in. Isn't that an oxymoron? Dig in implies DIGGING IN. So that's what I did. I have no idea what this tasted like past 24 hours. If you find out, let me know. 

Isn't this cup adorable? It's from my friend Lauren. She's super thoughtful like that. I am obsessed with almond milk steamers and honey. Yum yum yum. If you do this, you NEED a frother. It makes it pretty. 
I went to Whole Foods and got this carrot soup. I have another fun fact for you! Your taste receptors are the same for spicy and hot, and also for minty and cold. This is why I like spicy things cold. Because I am a wus. This was delicious except for that fact that I had to blow on every bite for 5 minutes. 
I thought the hardest part of this whole Paleo thing would be the no burritos. I love love love tortillas. Like a lot. But it really wasn't that bad! The skinny girl at Chipotle gave me a ton of meat. I appreciated that :). I don't mean to offend anyone who is skinny, but generally when you get a burrito you want the person who loves to eat behind the counter, because they will assume you love to eat too (and one time the skinny girl gave me mini scoops and I was very upset... so I went and vented on facebook).

And of course I couldn't get through the weekend without chocolate. This is a Sun Cup. It's nut free (including peanuts) and gluten free, so that was good enough for me at the time. Hope you're having a glorious day :). Go give someone a hug. 


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