Love food.

I never cease to amaze myself. I was actually hungry this morning. I am just going to get really open really fast. I used to be scared of food. Like terrified. Like most girls, it started in high school. I was 5’6.5” (I never leave the .5 out) and 98 lbs. This is when it finally hit me that I was killing myself. So I started eating again, but I never really gained back a normal relationship with food until this summer, when I finally went to a therapist that specializes in eating disorders. Was it scary to admit that even though I didn’t look like I had an eating disorder, I did? Terrifying. But it was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. So now, I LOVE food again! There is no hate involved. It’s wonderful. But I still sometimes eat and tell myself, “It’s okay… if you gain weight you can just listen to your body and be more careful and you will be fine.” That’s what I told myself last night when I was at dinner with my sister and she offered to buy me this chocolate souffle cake after my first day of trying to eat all paleo. How rude right?! I LOVE dark chocolate. So do most women. Anyways, I was really full. But my point is that I woke up hungry. This is how I gauge whether or not I overate the previous day. I don’t weigh myself. Side note: throwing out my scale was the second best thing I ever did for myself. Ever since I began doing crossfit every day consistently, I eat A LOT more food. I had to stop counting calories because it was freaking me out so much. But my jeans still fit so life is good. Just one more benefit to crossfit I guess. I wish that had more of a point. Love food. Don’t be scared of it. If you are, find out how to get help, because life is too short to not appreciate something that you do 3 times a day, every day (or more if you’re me).


I used to (as in 2 days ago) eat eggs, spinach and toast every morning. So I needed something to replace the carb. What better than sweet potatoes?! I literally put a sweet potato in the microwave for 5 minutes, cut it in half, and mashed it onto my plate. For the eggs: I sprayed the pan, put a bunch of spinach in, cracked the eggs on top and covered until the yolks were white on top. Perfection J


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