
Showing posts from September, 2012


Everyone knows no one is perfect. We all know that striving to be perfect will eventually fail us. But for some reason that still doesn’t stop us. What stops us is failing. But what if failing weren’t possible either? What if everything that happens is okay. It’s okay to hit rock bottom, because the only place to go is up. It’s not that scary to hit rock bottom. What is scary is on the way down. But maybe the way down wouldn’t be so scary if we knew that the destination would only bring us back up. What if. My idea of perfection is “by the book.” The book is whatever we’ve learned to be perfect. We’ve put together this perfect story that we’re supposed to follow, and if we don’t follow it something horrible happens. We don’t know what that is, but that is what we believe. Growing up is scary. I’ve been in the nest my whole life. I graduated high school, went to college where my parents paid my bills, graduated college, came home to take a year off before medical school, and