More food :).

Remember when I told you I am a culinary genius? I was lying to you. I'm sorry. BUT, I am getting much better at cooking salmon! This actually tasted good! I had a heart attack when I cut the sweet potato open and it wasn't pink. I was so mad at King Soopers. Anyways, it's a yellow sweet potato. 
Yesterday the 9 year-old boy I nanny grabbed my phone while I was on pinterest and found this. He thought it was hysterical. I am still praying to God that he didn't actually understand it. 
I made another recipe from PaleOMG! This is the Chicken Butternut Squash Pesto. Don't judge it from the picture. For some reason this dish takes horrible pictures. I lovvveee this pesto :). Cut your squash smaller than I did, and then it will cook even with the chicken. 
I took a picture of my breakfast for you this morning, because I thought it was pretty. 
You know what brightens my day? Changing the color of the pen I am writing with. Yep... You think I am sad person now. I might actually be a sad person. You might be right. Every time I get to change pen colors it means I am moving onto a new section in my MCAT chapter! WOOOO!
Those are my pens in the blurry background. I did this with the ap, Yummy!Cam. 
That is honey. I ate this like Pooh Bear, right out of the jar. The only difference is I used a butter knife (only because the spoon wouldn't fit) instead of my whole hand. I love Pooh :). 

I REALLY want to make these!!! 


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