Home encourages cheating.

My parents are dark chocolate hoarders. I am a dark chocolate lover. Want to know what happens when I visit my parents? My dad pours me a glass of red wine, and my mom places all of the chocolate that they have in the house right in front of me. Don't even act like you have self control. I know you. You don't. Neither do I. 
This was my dinner friday night. No, not all of it. This is what was left. 

You know what are really delicious??? But I never have the patience to make them the way they should be made. Scrambled eggs. Cook on LOW :). I added some 2% organic milk, salt and pepper. Super easy and filling paleo breakfast. 
And then my Mom made me a latte. I know, I am horrible person. 
I went boarding at Vail today. I sat next to Kevin for lunch at Moe's Bbq. I don't know him either. But he gave me his sandwhich! I was a good paleo'er and ate only the meat. Luckily he wasn't offended. But what guy would be? Shhh, I didn't just make that joke. Those are baked apples. I intended for them to be paleo but I am pretty sure this was a lot more like apple pie filling. Delicious and not my fault :). 
I was really curious about whether or not cave men really ate potatoes. Mark Sisson says the did! Just incase you were wondering like me. I also found that white potatoes react differently in the body and can cause inflammation as well as have a higher GI than sweet potatoes. I didn't find any great articles though, so if you find one I would love to read it! 

I've watched Betty White's birthday special like 3 times now. I only have 4 tv channels. Time for Titanic? How excited are YOU for Titanic 3D?!!!!!!!!! Probably not as excited as me. My 8 year old self saw it 7 times in theatre the first time. If you beat me, I like you. 


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