Finding perspective

You know what sucks? Breaking up sucks. It's a well known fact. It makes me want to swear off men and become neutral (not gay, not lesbian, not straight). Yes, neutral. So then why do I do it over and over again anyways? Why do we all do it over and over and over again, even though when it ends it sucks the life out of you? Oh right, because of the high that comes from falling for someone. The comfort you find in being held. The joy you feel from having a best friend who wants to be with you, and only you. That's why we do it. And we hope that someday one relationship will last forever. I am reminding myself of this right now, because it would be easy to be neutral. But how joyous would it be? To miss the highs in order to avoid the lows. It would be a very boring and neutral life. No one wants that, so we keep hoping and trying, and one day maybe it will work out. Maybe it wont, but at least we got to experience what it feels like to feel for another. And feeling, whether it be good or bad, is far better than never feeling at all.

Way to keep your personal life personal, Danielle. Okay, let's talk about food now.

My mom's friend is on the raw foods diet, and apparently she made a really amazing dish with kelp noodles. My mom bought me some, and I had no idea what to do with them, so naturally I put a burger and Amy's Organic Honey Mustard dressing on top. It was okay. It was kind of weird, I wont lie to you.

Christie made MORE muffins! Coconut Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. She thinks these were the best so far. I still liked the blueberry, but these were awesome!

I have found that the best way to eat out paleo (for cheap, when you have to) is to go to Whole Foods. They almost always have some sort of meat dish on sale, and vegetables are fairly inexpensive if you're only getting one serving. This was blackened chicken salad and garlic green beans. Super yummy :).

Aren't vegetables so pretty?! It makes me happy how pretty they are.

This was my attempt at a creative snack. I know, you're blown away. 

 I can pretty much eat almond butter with anything now. It's maybe a little disturbing. 

And this is what happens when you're mindlessly eating it by the spoonful, you're getting ready to go, and luckily you look in the mirror. I wish I was joking. 

 Once again, I LOVE burgers! :) Especially with baked apples and asparagus... this was a good choice. 
I went to the post office today and this old man in front of me asked how I was. I said good, because that's all you ever really say. I asked him, and he said, "Super, why not?"
So please, go be super, because why would you choose to be anything else? ;)


  1. Love. Just lots and lots of love.

  2. Life would be easier if we all could be Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. He always says "if I was afflicted with a sexual appetite." Love you and your spoon in shirt. (Almond Butter with bell peppers? Not thats just talent.)

    1. haha! I loovvvveee Sheldon! Thank you :). I thought it was maybe weird to post a picture of my chest, but it was too funny not to share.


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