A little Magic ;)

Before I get started, Christie made these Paleo Blueberry Chai Muffins. Oh.eM.Gee… Ohhhh.eM.Gee.
BTW, she started a little piece of magic herself, In my spare time I crossfit. Check it out :). 

I went to DISNEYLAND this past weekend!!! My goal is to make you feel like you were there with me. Ready? Of course you are!

Day 1: Air port food sucks. Good thing I carried balls with me. Paleo Fig fudge balls that is.

Day 2: I made a big decision today. No more dairy...:(. Guess what? My skin is now completely clear for the first time since jr high. Dang. It. What really intrigued me was this article about food addiction, food allergy, and overweight. Reluctantly, I started paying attention to how I felt after I ate dairy. It sort of did feel like an addiction... so I went balls to the walls (as we said on my hs dance team) and cut it out on my trip to Disneyland.  You should seriously read this article! Even if you start out thinking it is bogus, it will make you think twice... and maybe change your health ;).

Side note: I did not eat those taters.

One of my favorite rides: It's a Small World. Look at the little hula dancers go!!!

More of my dairy free day.
Fruit bar instead of chocolate covered banana... not the same. 

Salad in a breadbowl?! Something I noticed: California really is far more overweight than CO. I ate the breadless salad (it did have a dressing, but I refused to eat dry salad - so probably not dairy free).

I felt like a real carnivore eating this turkey leg. Nomnomnom. I'm sure it was super attractive to watch.

THE PARADE!!!!!!!!!! This is seriously worth watching. I think.

PETER PAN!!! (I was really disappointed they didn't do any mermaids, obviously)

We stayed in Palm Desert with my grandparents for the rest of the trip. I found these coconut and walnut stuffed dates at College of the Desert! It's on the weekends only, and it's sort of like a farmers market on steroids. It's insane. If you click on the picture you can see the website where you can order these lovely treats! 
The rest is just more food. The eggs is a new mexigasm dish-! It's called Machaca and Eggs. I highly suggest ordering this next time you see it on a menu!

My sister picked out this funny about chocolate from the newspaper for me. It's so perfect, I had to share.

I probably would have never craved chocolate if she didn't show that to me... 

And you thought you were going to get through a post without chocolate. Joke's on you! In my defense, it WAS gluten free. Yeah... I don't know if that helps either. 

My fellow crossfitter, Wendy, reminded me on facebook (by example) that you're supposed to go check out other crossfit gyms when you go on vacation (thank you, Wendy!). I went to Crossfit Shifted. Still have yet to meet a crossfitter I don't like ;). They were awesome! 

My dad insisted I lift this weight for a picture. 

That's all folks. 
If you made it this far, you rock! 
Hope you experienced a little Disney Magic!


  1. I never told you I got to be in the parade when I was 13! In the fantasia part. What! I know. I'm glad we have each other to comment on each other's blogs.

    Ps- I need a turkey leg.
    PPs- Whole foods has those coated dates. :)

    1. NO WAY!!! You're my hero. Lol, that is awesome! And for real.. it still makes my day when you comment :).
      PS yes you do! SO GOOD. I seriously felt like a caveman... or woman... that would never ever get a date because it was probably the most atrocious thing in the world lol.
      I need to go to whole foods! Damn money.


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