From the Heart

So I saw this quote on pinterest. Good old pinterest. I learn so much on there... like how to waste time. And how to make delicious desserts, like these. If you want the links just look on my pinterest page. I have some serious food porn on there.

Anyways, I have been in this debate with myself about how much information is too much information? Do people actually want to know my reflections on life? The reason I read PaleOMG religiously is more so because of the honest writing than the recipes. I love the recipes, obviously, but it's why I choose to read that blog over any other blog. So anyways, I guess I am going to try to write about what I am inspired by.

I have been reflecting a lot on paleo eating recently. It was my 1 month anniversary yesterday!  (of eating paleo that is). Here's the deal. If you asked me two weeks ago if I was going to stick with it, I would have told you in a super whiny voice, "I cannot freaking wait until this stupid experiment is over." But now I think I am actually going to continue. I haven't lost weight... I may have even gained weight. But I think for slightly obvious reasons. I was seriously concerned about how I was going to substitute all the foods I love into a paleo lifestyle. So, I resolved any concerns I had by making many chocolate paleo recipes, just to be sure I could survive. I have convinced myself I won't starve to death. Hooray! PaleOMG has also taught me single handedly how to cook. Now Juli is my idol for one more reason. It's super fun to cook! But very time consuming. My new concern is whether or not eating paleo will be maintainable once my schedule becomes more filled up. That's why this blog is called paleo 1 day at a time. I will cross that bridge when I get there.

So anyways, Happy belated Valentines Day! The day that every single person hates, and the day that every girl in a relationship loves. I am not convinced that guys in relationships love Valentines Day. Too many expectations to meet. Girls are crazy. Men are clueless. It's reality. Except for me, I am not crazy... obviously.

Now for the food. That's why you came here. I have a recent obsession with omelets. So easy and they're so pretty! And I put Tillamook sharp cheddar cheese in them and it's totally amazing. I have been meaning to share this article on whole milk with you. Why I drink Whole Milk.   Beware. It's very informative and you will hopefully never want to consume reduced fat dairy again. I will be honest. I don't actually think I should be eating dairy. We don't produce lactase (the enzyme that breaks down lactose) after infancy, and we're the only animal that drinks another animals milk. Those two points alone should set off some alarms. But I guess for now I am choosing to focus on the many proven benefits of dairy, and quite possibly choosing to be ignorant. I might give up dairy for Lent. We'll see.

Christie made these. Paleo Almond Joys. Dang it, Christie! I am trying to cut back on my chocolate consumption after last week. I also got these dark chocolate Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory truffles for Valentines day. It's obviously not my fault that I can't stop eating chocolate. People are practically shoving it down my throat. These almond joys were SUPER yummy! Christie did an amazing job :). I made these White Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies for Valentines day and didn't consume any. How did I do this? I gave them away - quickly.

I am officially convinced that I could live off of fruit and nut butters if I had to. Such a wonderful snack.

Katy sent this to me. I love you, Katy.

This was what I ate for Valentines dinner at Ali Baba. I totally cheated because it was Valentines Day and I LOVE this dish. Hummus Be Shwarma. Omg.omg.omg. I hate when girls say that. I didn't eat the pita because grains really aren't worth the cheat for me anymore...but baklava is! I have serious dessert issues.

I made Balsamic Winter Throw Bake. Funny name, but SO good! And pretty :). Pat on the back, Danielle. Not really. Pat on the back, Juli.

One last thing. I was having an discussion with someone about hGH and whether or not it is a steroid. First off, it is not by definition a steroid. It is in fact a peptide hormone. However, you can't tell me that people earn their muscles all on their own when taking this legal supplement. The effects are quite enhancing. I guess that's why it is called a supplement... but I just think that people should be more aware of what they're doing to their body. Natural levels are natural for a reason. Because they're optimal. The body is actually quite intelligent when it comes to taking care of itself, and it is likely that unnatural levels of anything will have harmful effects.

That's why I am so fascinated with physiology... and am leaning towards Osteopathic medicine. We wont talk about that today.

 As we say in yoga, light and love.


  1. Why haven't I heard about Osteopathic medicine?
    HGH is sketch- I don't care what anyone says, we've had this convo.

    Your bake looks yum.

  2. I can't believe I haven't talked to you about it??! I will give you an earful soon if you would like :) haha. Thanks!!! Thanks for commenting!

  3. This is fantastic. Your pics are awesome and layout (& writing, of course) rocks. What a stud you are. Dang, I love you.


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